“Building Strong Civil Society Organizations and Networking for Sustainable Development Project” has been funded by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and operationalized by Plan International Thailand. It is part of Plan’s efforts to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) working on child rights.
Plan International commissioned SUPA71, Co., Ltd. to conduct a baseline study on the work that the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) Coalition is doing in Thailand. SUPA71, Co., Ltd. formed a team of quantitative and qualitative researchers to understand 12 indicators within four outcomes designed by Plan International Thailand.
While more than half of the organizations interviewed shared they have enough staff to man their activities, coordination and collaboration within and outside the CRC Coalition revealed as crucial in sustaining the coalition’s activities. In the focus group discussions (FGDs) and indepth interviews (IDI) conducted, it appeared that CRC provides a venue for the CSOs in the child rights sector to collaborate. However, focus on implementing coalition activities and a clear strategy in communicating the benefit to its involvement is found missing. These gaps provide opportunities for the coalition to better monitor its activities and improve itself operationally.
Aside from FGDs and IDIs, SUPA71, Co., Ltd. also did desk reviews, online and telephone surveys to gather data for the study to complete information per objectives of the study.