In 2020, SUPA71 completed another evaluation study for BBC Media Action. BBC Media Action, in partnership with Winrock International (WI), World Vision (WV), and Resonance, has been funded by USAID under the Counter-Trafficking in Persons (USAID Thailand CTiP) project. This is a five-year project (2017-2022) aiming to reduce trafficking in persons (TiP) and to better protect the rights of trafficked persons in Thailand.
BBC Media Action (BBC MA) supported the project through training Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in two target provinces: Chiang Rai and Surat Thani. This is being done through capacity strengthening activities to improve social and behavior change communication (SBCC) with at-risk populations in Thailand and Thai host communities. To order to evaluate the project’s capacity strengthening activities; and understand how well content produced by local CSOs resonates with their target audience and how relevant the information to them, this study was conducted using qualitative approaches among CSO staff, community leaders, and target beneficiaries, also called migrants, during March to May 2020.
Due to the COVID-19, we used the distanced in-depth interview and focus group discussion methods to interview our target respondents, including among migrants, community leaders, and CSO staff in the provinces. We would like to thank you all of our respondents for sharing the valuable information for improving the communication strategies of the CTiP project.